Emergency Ambulance Associate Programme – Self Booking 2025/26
The EAA uplift programme is only suitable for those staff that have been moved into the EAA Preceptee position by HR, who have been informed they are eligible for this.
We will be trialling self-booking of the EAA uplift programme for certain groups of staff. If you are in one of these staff groups, information will have been sent to you direct to let you know you can self-book.
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: Video Resources
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: Teams
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: Word
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: General Training
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: Excel
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
Protected: Microsoft 365: PowerPoint
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
Info & Booking
UoG – Practice Education: Supervising & Assessing Paramedic Learners in Practice (Level 7) 2024/25
Registered staff - All depts [ECAs not eligible]
NorthEastWestDistance LearningNorthEastWestDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
March & July 2025 starts.
30 credit, Level 7 distance learning module with optional drop-in sessions, created in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire.
Ideal for staff who need to complete an approved Practice Educator course but are also keen to challenge themselves academically at Masters Level (Level 7).
Created with registered healthcare professionals (primarily Paramedics) in mind & the language may at times refer to ambulance placements or paramedics specifically.
Info & Booking
International Critical Care Paramedic Symposium 2025
Available to all staff & students
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesNorthEastWestDistance Learning
The ICCP 2025 symposium will consist of presentations from critical care paramedics across the world, with a primary theme on “A Day in the Life of a Critical Care Paramedic”.
Info & Booking
Shadowing Opportunity: Children’s Emergency Department
Registered clinicians
All GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWestDistance LearningStudents
Bristol Children’s Hospital have kindly offered to facilitate shadowing within their Emergency Department. This is a fantastic CPD opportunity with the potential to enhance your familiarity with managing paediatric patients.
The ED are keen to tailor this to the individual, ensuring that it's a useful experience for you. One to two days are available for each learner.
Info & Booking
SWASFT MatNeo Webinar Series
Available to all frontline staff and students
All GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWestDistance LearningStudents
The SWASFT MatNeo webinar sessions will take place on a monthly basis, covering a range of topics to help you approach maternity and neonatal jobs with confidence.
October's webinar will act as a forum to learn more about supporting families experiencing baby loss. Hear from subject-matter experts, discuss best practice in pre-hospital care and ask questions in a supportive environment.
Info & Booking
Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC)
Suitable for all staff and students. May be most applicable for staff who have contact with patients.
NorthEastDistance LearningAll GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWestStudents
This pre-recorded session offers information and guidance if someone discloses to a professional that they have been raped or sexually assaulted. Delivered by Duncan from The Bridge, which is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre.
Info & Booking
Protected: Education Days Joining Instructions: Conflict Resolution Session
All staff booked on to the Conflict Resolution Education Day
All GradesDistance Learning
This page contains access to the joining instructions for: Conflict Resolution Education Day
Info & Booking
Easy Paedsy: Dr Led Webinar Series – 2024/25
Available to all staff and Paramedic Science students
All GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWestDistance LearningStudents
These sessions will take place on a monthly basis, covering a range of topics to help you tackle those paedatric jobs with confidence.
They have been generously offered to SWASFT by staff & students by the Bristol Royal Children's Hospital.
Info & Booking
UWE – Pre-Hospital Trauma Care 2024/25
Registered healthcare professionals
NorthDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of the West of England
This 20 credit Pre-Hospital Trauma Care module is for registered practitioners looking to further develop and expand their knowledge and practice of pre-hospital trauma care. The module can be taken at level 6 (BSc level) or level 7 (Masters level) and is relevant to paramedics and emergency care practitioners.
Info & Booking
UoC – BSc Top Up 2024-25
HCPC Registered Paramedics with 120 Level 4 & 120 Level 5 credits or Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) portfolio
NorthEastWestDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of Cumbria
BSc Top Up / BSc (Hons) Paramedic: Practice Development programme is designed to meet the educational needs of paramedics looking to continue their professional development.
The University of Cumbria offers a flexible, modular programme of study that provides a coherent scheme and progression route within paramedic practice, recognising & valuing prior experience, learning & building on it.
Info & Booking
UWE – Dissertation 2024/25
Registered Healthcare Professional. Completion of Health & Social Care Research Methods & Methodology is a pre-requisite.
NorthDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of the West of England
Available as a 40 credit module - UZWRG9-40-3. The Dissertation will comprise individual learning contracts in order to facilitate self directed learning with a supportive facilitator. A core module if working towards your Masters.
Info & Booking
UWE – Leadership & Innovation 2024/25
Registered Healthcare Professionals
NorthDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of the West of England
The 20 credit level 6 (UZTSVU-20-3) or level 7 (UZTSVV-20-M) Leadership and Innovation module will allow you to critically reflect on the development of your own leadership skills to consider how best to deliver and enhance collaborative working across organisational boundaries and systems
Info & Booking
UWE – Minor Illness & Injury in Children (MIMIC) 2024/25
Registered healthcare professionals
NorthDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of the West of England
This is a 20 credit module available at level 6 or 7
Info & Booking
UWE – Physical Assessment & Clinical Reasoning of the Presenting Child (PACR Child) 2024/25
Registered Healthcare Professionals
NorthDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of the West of England
On successful completion of this 20 credit Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning of the Presenting Child module, you will be able to Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the evidence base underpinning physical assessment and clinical reasoning.
Info & Booking
UoC – General Application for Funding 2024-25
Registered staff - prospective students will need to check individual module eligibility criteria before enrolling.
NorthEastWestDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of Cumbria
Students will be applying for funding on a module of YOUR CHOICE (where available) at the University of Cumbria.
Funding is available for a for a variety of health related modules for registered staff and is the equivalent of up to 1 x Level 6 or Level 7 Credit Module within the 2024/25 academic year.
Info & Booking
UoP – General Application for Funding 2024/25
Registered Staff - prospective students will need to check individual module eligibility criteria before enrolling.
WestDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
University of Plymouth
Students will be applying for funding on a module of YOUR CHOICE (where available) at the University of Plymouth.
Funding is available for a variety of health related modules for registered staff and is the equivalent of up to 1 x Level 6 or Level 7 20 or 40 Credit Module within the 2024/25 academic year.
Info & Booking
BU – General Application for Funding 2024-25
Registered Staff - prospective students will need to check individual module eligibility criteria before enrolling.
EastDistance LearningRegistered Clinicians
Bournemouth University
Students will be applying for funding on a module of YOUR CHOICE (where available) at Bournemouth University.
Funding is available for a for a variety of health related modules for registered staff and is the equivalent of up to 1 x Level 6 or Level 7 Credit Module within the 2024/25 academic year.
Info & Booking
UoP – Clinical Supervision Module L6 2024/25
L6 - 20 Credits - Open to all staff - non-registered & registered.
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesRegistered Clinicians
Enhance your ability to be an effective supervisor and supervisee and to view models of clinical supervision as an intrinsic part of the working environment. These six study units have been produced to help healthcare professionals to understand the principles of clinical supervision and how it works in practice. Helpful for all roles, however this is also a core module for those aiming for a career within specific education roles within the Trust.
This 20 credit degree-level module is aimed at all professional healthcare workers, run in Partnership with the University of Plymouth.
Info & Booking
Living with Chronic Pain After Cancer Treatment: BNSSG ICB Launching Fellowship Seminar
Available to all staff
All GradesDistance Learning
The Research team at Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (BNSSG ICB) welcome you to a special seminar introducing our latest Launching Fellow, Dr Julie Armoogum.
Julie is a Macmillan Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Wellbeing and a researcher within the Centre for Health and Clinical Research at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). Julie studies ways to support people living with chronic pain after cancer treatment.
Info & Booking
Education day – Self Booking-2024/25
NorthEastWestAll GradesRegistered Clinicians
This year we will be trialling self-booking of Education Days for certain groups of staff.
If you are in one of these staff groups, information will have been sent to you direct to let you know you can self-book.
Certain groups may be booked on by their team administrator to coordinate locally - they will inform you if your group is using this method.
Info & Booking
Sexual Assault Referral Centres – How can we help? – Oct & Nov 2023
patient-facing people trustwide.
WestAll GradesRegistered CliniciansWest
As ambulance professionals, we are likely to meet people that disclose sexual violence/ assault to us. It is important for both short and long-term management and recovery that we handle this well, and that we are aware of the referral pathways available to us. Many people don’t know what Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) can provide, don’t know how to refer to them and don’t know that the police don’t need to be involved in this process
Info & Booking
Volunteer to be a patient for an OSCE with UoC – Bridgewater – multiple dates
Student or SWASFT staff
NorthEastWestAll GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWestStudents
OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination. SWAST Students on the BSc paramedic degree apprenticeship programme with the University of Cumbria (UoC) need to complete a level 5 system assessment OSCE and a level 6 patient assessment OSCE.
Volunteering to play the role of a patient is a fantastic opportunity to see an OSCE without being assessed and meet the team! You do not need any prior knowledge or acting experience.
This is a great opportunity for all, but particularly for those who are aspiring to be on the programme and current students. You will also receive a UoC CPD certificate for your participation.
Info & Booking
All staff welcome to sign up, but this training is predominantly aimed at staff who don't necessarily have any clinical training.
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll Grades
Predominantly aimed at staff who don't necessarily have any clinical training, eLifesaver is your opportunity to learn what an emergency looks like and how you should respond to it. By learning essential lifesaving skills, you have the power to help increase the number of people who could survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the South West.
Info & Booking
ParaPass & ParaFolio App
Available to registered clinicians (+AP's and AT's & students).
NorthEastWestDistance LearningRegistered CliniciansDistance Learning
The ParaPass App is a vast, user friendly, digital platform that includes tools and information to support paramedic learning and development, developed by the same people who produced JRCALCPlus.
N.B. Everyone who needs access to PGD's via ParaPass Lite will continue to have access via the usual processes. However, you will need to sign up below to gain full access to the ParaPass App.
Info & Booking
Embracing Neurodiversity (E-Learning) via Do It 23/24
Available to all staff & students
Distance LearningAll GradesStudents
Embracing Neurodiversity is an online accessibly designed e-learning course for employees aiming to support, retain and attract a truly neurodiverse workforce.
Info & Booking
VIRTUAL 5hr – Practice Educator Update Days 2024/25
Available to all Paramedics
Registered CliniciansDistance Learning
Virtual PE Update days are now available for qualified, Practice Educators (Mentors) across the Trust that support our future Paramedic workforce; existing Practice Educators should attend the Update annually. These sessions will be offered an incentive payment and will all be delivered virtually.
If you have not taken one of our approved courses to qualify as a Practice Educator, there are several courses available to you. You can access the endorsed Practice Educator Course on ESR, or the Mentorship Virtual Level 6 Module or the Level 7 Module via the CPD Website.
Info & Booking
Palliative & End-of-life Care Training Programme 2025
All staff & students - most beneficial to patient focused roles
NorthEastWestDistance LearningAll GradesRegistered CliniciansDistance LearningStudents
Open to all All staff & students. A three-step course aiming to deliver practical, focused, frontline palliative care skills and knowledge to all ambulance clinicians across the whole Southwest. The first step will be a focused handbook on palliative care, sent out before the course start date.
The second step is a virtual, interactive teaching day on July 12th. (*This is now a recorded session for those that couldn't attend*). During this day we will build on the concepts in the handbook. .
The final step will be to attend a 1-hour Q&A session. This will allow you to ask any specific questions to a palliative care specialist.
Info & Booking
SWASFT Practice Educator – (non-accredited) e-learning module – CoP endorsed
All staff - All depts
Distance LearningAll Grades
This e-learning course has been written by SWASFT to align with the CoP practice education guidance and has been written primarily with clinicians in mind. It is endorsed by the CoP and suitable for the NQP portfolio.
However, this non-accredited course is suitable for any staff who is involved in practice education or mentorship of other staff, and the learning outcomes and content are universal.
Info & Booking
UK Sepsis Trust Videos & e-Learning Modules
Available to all staff and Students
Distance Learning
A series of short films and e-Learning modules to help you understand, identify, and manage sepsis. Whether you are a clinician, careworker, or simply a concerned parent, son/daughter or friend, these modules will help you understand more about sepsis and how you can help save lives.
Info & Booking
Pre-Hospital PROMPT Online Learning Platform
Suitable for registered clinicians only
Distance LearningRegistered Clinicians
An online learning platform which will allow SWAST clinicians the ability to update themselves on maternity care remotely at their own pace (you will have access for 1 month). Available to paramedics, ambulance nurses, ECA to Para students and clinicians above this level.
Info & Booking
Protected: DRAFT ONLY – Commander CPD Development Days 2023 – Multiple Locations & Dates
Available to Command trained only
All GradesRegistered CliniciansNorthEastWest
Attendance at a Command CPD day is a mandatory requirement for all Trust commanders as outlined within the Trust Command Policy. Following completion of the Trust Command Training you are now required to attend yearly Continual Professional Development Days and also a new additional Operational Commander HTC day
Info & Booking
Protected: L&D change & welfare survey
Open to all L&D staff
NorthEastWestDistance Learning
L&D departmental change & welfare survey
Info & Booking
Autism E-Learning- Glos Staff only
Available to all staff
NorthDistance LearningAll Grades
You can now access e-learning modules, produced by the National Autistic Society (NAS), to develop your knowledge of autism. These e-learning modules are fully funded, and therefore free to access, for anyone living or working in Gloucestershire.
Info & Booking
Zero Suicide Alliance- Suicide Prevention e-Learning
Available to all staff
All GradesDistance Learning
A free online educational resource from the Zero Suicide Alliance.
Info & Booking
ELfH- Suicide Prevention e-Learning
Available to all staff
All GradesDistance Learning
A free online educational resource from ELfH that will be recorded on ESR for your CPD.
Info & Booking
Diabetes Injection Technique and Safety: Online Learning
Available to all staff
Distance LearningAll Grades
This free online learning programme aims to support healthcare professionals in their management and care of people with diabetes who use injectable therapies.
Info & Booking
ECG Online Resources
Available to all staff
All GradesDistance Learning
A collection of ECG Distance Learning resources available online.
Info & Booking