L&D Education Days

Important Update – December 2024
**Please scroll down for update**
short overhead resus b&w zoom

What are they?

Education days are your educational update days for all staff with patient contact, both registered and non-registered. Because of the variety of skill mixes, roles, and scopes of practice they are split into several different formats.

They will cover a variety of topics, and you may see the same subject on more than one type of education day, but the content being taught will be different.*

*The content will change every year, and sometimes your days will overlap years due to when you can be allocated  – i.e. you may have a 2023/2024 education day, followed by a 2024/25 education day a month later.

Core skills days

These days are for ECAs and Lead Clinicians

Clinical Education days

These are for Lead Clinicians only

EOC education days

These are for EOC staff

Periodic Education days

These cover subjects that need refreshing every few years.

**Education Days Update – December 2024**

As previously communicated the Clinical Education Day has been paused until April 2025. Further details about how to book onto this day will be shared in the new year.

Conflict Resolution Day is currently open for staff who are either out of date or due to expire this year. If you fall into this category, you should have received communication with instructions on how to book a course.

Core Skills 1 and Core Skills 2 remain mandatory for clinicians and all frontline staff this financial year. The self-booking option is now only available to Bank staff. All other eligible staff members are being scheduled by their administrator.

**Further Update -17th December 2024**

Please note it is only the Clinical Day that has been paused until April 2025. All other Education Days will re-commence on the 6th January 2025.

Therefore, Core Skills 1 on Thursdays, Core Skills 2 on Fridays and Conflict Resolution Days on Wednesdays.

Any queries regarding this information please email the Learning and Development Administration Team by clicking  HERE .

*Wiltshire & Thornbury days *

All Wiltshire training is now being held at:

SWAST Wiltshire Training Venue, Methuen Park, Chippenham, SN14 0GX.
What 3 words: zones/slam/tester
Google maps link here
This centre is located at the end of a no through road. Some maps still refer to the site as MRG Ford.

Thornbury Education days

For those attending their education at Thornbury (Unit 10 Shortway, BS35 3UT) there is no parking on site, please use the:
Rock Street Public Car Park on Bath Road, BS35 2FH – Which is a 12 minute walk to the site.
Google map link here
What 3 words : ///reading.search.engine

*Gloucestershire days *

All Glos training will be held at:

The Pavilion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 6PN
What 3 words: chains/aims/cigar
Google maps link here
Parking for 100 cars on site – can be parked anywhere. Multiple entrances – please use what 3 words for location of training. A big screen in the entrance hall will direct learners to which room they are in on the day.


*NEC Days *

Training will be held at:

  • North Education Centre, Blackberry Centre, UWE (Glenside) Campus, Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 1DE.
What 3 words: bats.speech.pops
Google maps link here
There are only 8 SWAST parking bays opposite the Blackberry Centre.  If these are all taken, please park on the road as there is no parking for SWAST staff on campus and you run the risk of being issued with a parking ticket.

*Churchill Days *

Training will be held at:

  • Churchill Ambulance Station, 5 Turnpike Close, Churchill, Winscombe, North Somerset, BS25 5NZ
What 3 words: flippers.pheasants.gladiators
Google maps link here
This is an operational station so the car park is in constant use. Please park on the road

*Chippenham Station Days *

Training will be held at:

  • Chippenham Ambulance Station, Unit 11, Bath Road Industrial Estate, Chippenham, SN14 0AB
What 3 words: sheep.intend.amber
Google maps link here

*Roche Days *

Training will be held at:

  • Roche Education Centre, SWASFT, Unit 2, Commercial Centre, Victoria Offices & Conference Centre, Station Approach, Victoria, St Austell
    PL26 8LG
What 3 words: employers.steps.petty
Google maps link here

More SWASFT Training venues

2024/25 Education days Information

Conflict Resolution Day Joining Instructions

In order to access the joining instructions for the Conflict Resolution Education Day, please complete the short form below. You will then be emailed the password to the joining instructions page.

Self booking education days

This year we will be trialling self-booking  of Education Days for certain groups of staff.
Please see the self-booking page for more information.

2023/24 Education days Information

Core Skills - Education day
2023 / 2024

Core Skills Education day for 2023/24

The content of the day is designed to both provide an update on contemporary clinical knowledge and allow you the chance to practice a wide range of clinical skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Below you will find a brief outline of the program for the day. The day will be 7.5hrs long and run from 08:30-16:30.

  • Newborn Life Support
  • Paediatric Life Support
    • Medical
    • Trauma
  • Adult Life Support
    • Medical
    • Trauma
  • Decision making in resuscitation
  • Scenario based resuscitation skill refresher including
    • Needle Skills
    • Difficult Airway Management.
  • Team leadership
  • Mental Capacity Act
  • Safeguarding
  • Major Incidents

Please note that lunch will not be provided. However, tea, coffee and the ability to reheat meals will be available at the training venue.

Due to the practical nature of the day the dress code is uniform please.

If you have been issued a Trust iPad please bring it with you, elements of the day require access to the JRCALC app.

COVID 19 Information

The wearing of masks will be in line with current Trust and Government guidance as well as in respect to sector guidance for the chosen venues. Please ensure that you follow current SWASFT guidance if you should have Covid-19 symptoms.

Please bring your personal issue hand sanitiser with you to maintain hand hygiene during the day.

PPE supplies, hand sanitiser and Clinell wipes will be available throughout the day to also minimise risk. Please use this frequently.


Pre-learning 2023-24 information is available on the intranet page and should be available on the app soon.

Education and Professional Development (swast.nhs.uk)

The L&D team look forward to meeting you on the day.


Training will be provided at local Trust education sites.

ROC will notify of which training venue to attend at time of booking onto your course (please ensure that you check your assigned venue before attending.

Please note:

For those attending their education at Thornbury (Unit 10 Short Way, BS35 3UT What3Words: reading.search.intestine) there is no parking on site, please use the:
Rock Street Public Car Park on Bath Road, BS35 2FH  which is a 12 minute walk to the site.
(Click for here for google map)  
The above info can be downloaded here as a word doc.

Core Skills Education Day

Clinical - Education day
2023 / 2024

Clinician Education day for 2023/24

The content of the day is designed to both provide an update on contemporary clinical knowledge and allow you the chance to practice a wide range of clinical skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Below you will find a brief outline of the program for the day. The day will be 7.5hrs long and run from 08:30-16:30.

  • Paediatric Life Support
    • Medical
    • Trauma
  • Adult Life Support
    • Medical
    • Trauma
  • Decision making in resuscitation
  • Scenario based resuscitation skill refresher including
    • Needle Skills
    • Difficult Airway Management.
  • Team leadership
  • Acute Abdomen
  • Neurological Syndromes
  • Prednisolone
  • ECG refresher
  • Paediatric Assessment

Please note that lunch will not be provided. However, tea, coffee and the ability to reheat meals will be available at the training venue.

Due to the practical nature of the day the dress code is uniform please.

If you have been issued a Trust iPad please bring it with you, elements of the day require access to the JRCALC app.

COVID 19 Information

The wearing of masks will be in line with current Trust and Government guidance as well as in respect to sector guidance for the chosen venues. Please ensure that you follow current SWASFT guidance if you should have Covid-19 symptoms.

Please bring your personal issue hand sanitiser with you to maintain hand hygiene during the day.

PPE supplies, hand sanitiser and Clinell wipes will be available throughout the day to also minimise risk. Please use this frequently.


Pre-learning 2023-24 information is available on the intranet page and should be available on the app soon.

Education and Professional Development (swast.nhs.uk)

The L&D team look forward to meeting you on the day.

Training will be provided at local Trust education sites.

ROC will notify of which training venue to attend at time of booking onto your course (please ensure that you check your assigned venue before attending.

The above info can be downloaded here as a word doc.

Clinical Education Day

EOC Core Skills and Clinical Education Days 2024 / 2025

EOC Core Skills Education day for 2024/25

This year there will be 1 day to attend referred to as CSED A and additional e-learning/CPPD opportunities. The content of the day is designed to both provide an update on contemporary knowledge and allow you the chance to discuss and practice a wide range of skills in a safe and supportive environment.  

Below you will find a brief outline of the program for the day. The day will be 7.5hrs long and run from 08:00-16:00. 


Overview CSED A 

  • Topic 1: Safeguarding (Case Studies for EOC Calls). 
  • Topic 2: The Ambulance Professional (Incorporating Active Bystander). 
  • Topic 3. BLS, Choking and Defib. 
  • Topic 4: Managing Violence & Aggression (Conflict Resolution). 
  • Topic 5: How To Find A Patient (Working Together). 

Overview of e-learning/CPPD opportunities 

  • When the CAD Goes Out (Shutdown Fallback Simulation). 
  • The Impact of Healthcare (Your Health & Wellbeing). 
  • Major Incident (The Role of the EOC). 
  • IG / GDPR. 

EOC Clinical Education Day for 2024/25 

An additional day is being provided for CSD clinicians.  The content of the day is designed to both provide an update on contemporary knowledge and allow you the chance to discuss and practice a wide range of skills in a safe and supportive environment. 

Overview Clinical Education Day 

  • Topic 1: Care Pathways. 
  • Topic 2: Major Trauma. 
  • Topic 3. Maternity Assessments. 
  • Topic 4: Assessment of Overdose. 
  • Topic 5: Recognising Signs of Shock 

Please note that lunch will not be provided. However, tea, coffee and the ability to reheat meals will be available at the training venue.

Uniform is not mandatory, but please dress accordingly for work.

The L&D team look forward to meeting you on the day.


Training will be provided at both EOCs across SWAST and alternative venues.

ROC will notify of which training venue to attend at time of booking onto your course (please ensure that you check your assigned venue before attending.)

Please note:

For those attending these Core Skills Education Days, please use these What3Words to locate your venue. (The same venues may be used for Educational Recall Days). 



Exeter, Trust HQ, Unit 2 First Floor, Training Room 1



Exeter, Trust HQ, Unit 3 First Floor, Training Room 2



Exeter, Trust HQ, Unit 1 Ground Floor, HQ Boardroom 



Bristol, St James A Ground Floor, Training Room 1 



Bristol, St James A Ground Floor, Training Room 2 



Bristol, St James A Second Floor, EOC Briefing Room 



Thornbury Driver Training Centre, Unit 10 Shortway, Thornbury, BS35 3UT 

Thornbury Driver Training Centre Address.pdf  contains what3words location. 

Car Parking for Thornbury Driver Training Centre is a walk away. 

Car Parking for Thornbury Driver Training Centre.pdf contains what3words location.