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Please use the form below to apply. These places will be allocated on a first come first basis.

Open to all staff –

This masterclass has been designed to support managers in keeping their teams engaged and healthy, as well as managing team and individual performance with the shift to more remote working.  It is aimed at managers who manage remote working teams, whether geographically dispersed or because team members are working from home.

Name of event
Managing Teams Remotely
Time of event 60-90 minutes
Max number of delegates 100
Description of event
This masterclass has been designed to support mangers in keeping their teams engaged and healthy, as well as managing team and individual performance with the shift to more remote working.  It is aimed at managers who manage remote working teams, whether geographically dispersed or because team members are working from home.

It will develop techniques to handle the rapid rate of change most teams are currently experiencing, whilst maintaining high levels of engagement and productivity across all areas. You will discuss the three key principles of effectively managing at a distance:

·       Communication styles – understanding everyone is different!

·       Agreeing availability standards using communication styles

·       Setting goals and measuring success

The importance of establishing structured daily check-ins, considering how visible are you as a manager and how you create the ‘common purpose’ philosophy which is essential for effective remote team working will all be key components of the session.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the masterclass, you will:

·       Understand the importance of setting standards

·       Recognise how to give feedback for motivation, as well as for development

·       Identify how to have coaching conversations with your team

Location: Virtual

Time: 14:00-15:30


  •  24th Nov 2023 
  • 1st Dec 2023 

Pleas use the form below to apply. These places will be allocated on a first come first basis.

We are also now welcoming applications from students for this webinar and any of the other IODA webinars. 

The protected characteristics monitoring form is separate to the main application form below; completion is optional & anonymous. We ask for information on your ‘protected characteristics’ in order to help us monitor our performance on equality.

If you have already completed this form since April 2024 & nothing has changed, there is no need to complete again.

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