Conference: ‘Surfing the Wave: Transforming Care Through Research Skilled Practitioners’
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
The Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships in Healthcare provides HCPs with time, support & training to lead digital transformations.
Young Black Men Mental Health Crisis Tools- Guides Supporting Young Black Men. These useful guides can be accessed free of charge.
Frequent Callers Health & Science Research UK video presentation The Trust’s Frequent Caller Team have been invited to the Health and Science Research UK Conference this year. Below is the pre-recorded session related to High Intensity Users. We hope this will give you an insight into work being done nationally relating to service users that…
Zero Suicide Alliance The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaborative of National Health Service trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. The alliance is ultimately concerned with improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of and promoting FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible…
A new Clinical decision support tool from BMJ including evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion is now available to all SWASFT staff and students on placement from April 2019 for three years (purchased by Health Education England). To access please visit You will need a SWASFT NHS Athens account to access. Once logged in you…
A range of resources are freely accessible to all staff on the Emergency Medicine Cheltenham and Gloucester (EM CAGE) Website.
Visit the Distance learning FOAMed Page here
Jointly commissioning by Gloucestershire CCG and Gloucestershire County Council, ‘Risking Happiness’ was created by the Reckless Kettle Theatre Company and The Roses Theatre in 2015. The characters and story of the play are fictitious, but the process of writing it drew from real people, situations and experiences. The purpose of the play has been to…
Created by nurses at Guy’s and St Thomas’ to raise awareness of dementia among staff, Barbara’s Story has changed attitudes to dementia in hospitals across the world. Barbara’s Story follows a fictional patient who has symptoms of dementia, and explores the challenges she faces when she comes into contact with NHS staff at home and…
Continuing professional development (CPD) is the way in which you continue to learn and develop throughout your career, ensuring your skills and knowledge are up to date enabling you to practice safely and effectively. CPD is not just formal courses. A CPD activity is any activity from which you learn and develop such as; Work-based learning. For example, reflecting…
What is FOAM? FOAM is Free Open Access Medical Education; a collection of resources, a community and an ethos. The FOAM community spontaneously emerged from the collection of constantly evolving, collaborative and interactive open access medical education resources being distributed on the web. FOAM is independent of platform or media — it includes blogs, podcasts,…
OSCEstop is a free, one-stop online resource for comprehensive notes on medical school finals OSCE exams OSCEstop aims to help healthcare professionals improve their clinical examination and practical skills. Notes on all of the essential skills and detail on all of the stations likely to come up in OSCE examinations are provided to help you acquire and maintain…
The West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) are working with all members of the West of England Patient Safety Collaborative to encourage the use of a single national early warning score; ‘NEWS’, across the region. All the acute trusts, out-of-hours GP services, mental health trusts, community service providers and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the West…
Some great FREE E-learning on a wide range of subjects. Levels to suit ALL staff! The Khan Academy’s mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere on wide range of subjects. It offers a personalised learning resource with practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalised learning on subjects including Advanced Placement Biology,…
Who are CAHPR? We are a network of researchers from a broad range of allied health professions (AHP), including Paramedics, who have joined together to support and develop AHP research, strengthen evidence of the value and impact of our professions and enable our professions to speak with one voice on research issues. We are supported…