Health Education England (HEE) are looking to improve future communications with all Student Paramedics, Graduates and NQP’s. If you are able to offer some of your time to complete a short, anonymous survey this will provide valuable insight to shape these improvements.


Improved communication could be used for instance to disseminate changes in:

– NQP Foundation Programmes

-New Digital learning modules

-Key updates from HEE, Trusts and the College to support learners in their early years


This improved infrastructure would support local, regional and national connections, increase communications and improve the present offerings for Student Paramedics, Graduates and Newly Qualified Paramedics (NQPs) during their studies, transition into employment and post registration experience. There are several strands of work planned by HEE, all of which will help inform, support and build confidence in our new Paramedic workforce.

All of your views are really important. Please click here to complete the survey. 

Closing 5th January 2022