Mental health crisis workforce questionnaire

*The closing date for the questionnaire is Friday 29th of July at 17:00*

Funding will be allocated and training put in place as a direct result of the findings.
This questionnaire is aimed at any individual who currently works with people experiencing a mental health crisis and will help us to understand more about this workforce and their training and development needs.
This should include NHS services (mental health and acute trusts), voluntary sector services, emergency services, primary care, and social care and covers all age groups (adults, older people and children and young people’s mental health).


The data gathered from the questionnaire will focus on 3 main areas:

1) Workforce (this data will enable us to gather information about and understand the people that make up the mental health

crisis workforce and those that support people in crisis in other roles)

2) Training that has been accessed (this data will enable us to understand that training the workforce has previously found useful and how they have been supported to fulfil their role)

3) Training that is required (this data will enable us to identify gaps in the training provided to those supporting people in mental health crisis and suggest what could be provided to best support the workforce in their individual and specific roles)

This work will support the current and future workforce as we will use the data collected to define training and educational needs and plan what can be put in place to meet these needs.

Click Here to complete the questionnaire

This questionnaire is being run by
Health Education England South West
Mental Health Crisis Clinical Fellow
Stephanie Dodds RMN