NEW in the SW – NHS Paramedic ApprenticeshipDirect entry

Start dates of April 2024 and Sep 2024


We recognise that existing pathways to become a Paramedic are not suitable for everyone, we are committed to ensure a diverse workforce, one that is reflective of the communities we serve, educational preferences, learning styles and learning support. As a result, we are continually reviewing entry routes into, not only the paramedic profession, but the Ambulance service as a whole and the many roles on offer. We want to celebrate this and offer multiple routes to becoming a part of the clinical workforce and create new opportunities and widen the access to education.

We aim to make the goal of being a paramedic more accessible to all, and in doing so increase our workforce supply and target areas where in the past it has been difficult for us to recruit. We know there are lots of people out there with the right values and drive to succeed, but traditional routes have often felt unachievable for them. We want to make sure we remove as many barriers as possible and have a wide variety of accessible pathways. Not every pathway will be right for every person, so the more we offer, the more people will have the opportunity.

Key points of the program:

    • This is for external candidates who will be full-time students and pay for their studies.
    • The qualification is a Level 4 certificate of education – equivalent to year 1 of a BSc.
    • On successful completion of the program, students will take up paid positions as Emergency Care Assistants (ECAs) subject to SWASFT interviews and checks.
    • A blue light driving course is included in the programme.
    • C1 driving is no longer required for entry (it will be funded if you do not have it).
    • We are recruiting for areas where recruitment is difficult (Wiltshire, Somerset, and Dorset).
    • After 12 to 18 months of skills consolidation as an ECA they will be able to enter onto the paramedic apprenticeship (these places will be additional to the internal candidates for the apprenticeship).

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the advert web-page here.