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PARAMEDIC-3 research study

PARAMEDIC-3 research study PARAMEDIC-3 is an opportunity for paramedics to participate in a research study for patients in out of hospital cardiac arrest. Summary PARAMEDIC-3 hosted by Warwick Clinical Trials Unit is a multi-centre, individually randomised, superiority trial of an intraosseous access first strategy for adult patients who sustain an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Patients will…

Have Your Say – Students, Apprentice Paramedics & NQPs! Questionnaire open until 5th January 2022

  Health Education England (HEE) are looking to improve future communications with all Student Paramedics, Graduates and NQP’s. If you are able to offer some of your time to complete a short, anonymous survey this will provide valuable insight to shape these improvements.   Improved communication could be used for instance to disseminate changes in:…

Bookable Training Opportunities for Gloucestershire County

These advertised courses are only for staff who work in Gloucestershire as they are funded externally by Gloucestershire-based organisations (this is their stipulation). Whilst Gloucestershire County Council are not able to deliver our regular face to face training (yet), they have been actively working to source and develop resources to deliver live via online platforms. The following…

Email subscription service

Email subscription news We are trying out an email subscription service function. The idea being that if you sign up, you will receive an email notification as soon new Higher Education (HE) modules are released, Short Course dates and updates are released, and any new website resources. The software is new to us, so we…

zero suicide alliance

Zero Suicide Alliance – Suicide Prevention

Zero Suicide Alliance The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaborative of National Health Service trusts, businesses and individuals who are all committed to suicide prevention in the UK and beyond. The alliance is ultimately concerned with improving support for people contemplating suicide by raising awareness of and promoting FREE suicide prevention training which is accessible…