These advertised courses are only for staff who work in Gloucestershire as they are funded externally by Gloucestershire-based organisations (this is their stipulation).

Whilst Gloucestershire County Council are not able to deliver our regular face to face training (yet), they have been actively working to source and develop resources to deliver live via online platforms. The following courses are now receiving bookings:


Mental Capacity Act Level 3 – Multi Agency Managers

Virtual Delivery on Microsoft teams

17th September 2020 – 9:30 – 12:30

14th October 2020 – 13:00 – 16:00

You will be required to complete GSAB’s Mental Capacity Act Level 2 E-learning before being approved onto this course.

Please book on Learnprocommunity (you may need to login to access this) or email for a registration guide.


Dementia Training

The Dementia Education Training Team will be offering delegates a choice of Face-to-face or Virtual workshops for the One day Dementia course from September.

One Day Dementia training – Face to face

Tuesday 22nd September 9:30-16:30, Farmers club, Gloucester. This session has a maximum capacity of 20 delegates and will adhere to social distancing regulations.

Online Course Delivery- One Day Dementia

This course is delivered live over 2 half day sessions by facilitators from the Dementia & Education training team on Microsoft Teams, please ensure that you are able to access this platform before booking. (As some companies block access).

    • 29th Sept & 6th October 9:30 – 13:00 (other dates now available).

One day Dementia Course information pdf

Recent feedback:Excellent. Doesn’t matter how little or how much you know, you will gain something valuable from this training“, “Well worth doing, provides full and updated information and resources/further study if needed.”

To book please contact: 


Mental Health Crisis Care Awareness online live training

Tutor led Online training session Mental Health Crisis Care Awareness pdf, the course runs over two consecutive half days (4 hours, mainly 9am until 1pm) and will be delivered via Zoom, a few spaces are available on the following date:

21st & 22nd September – 4 hours 9am – 1pm

Autumn Dates for face to face training now available to book on learnpro community (Nb. may be switched to virtual if required)

To book please contact:


Safeguarding Adults Level 2 & MCA Level 2 Online E-learning Course

Whilst we are unable to deliver face to face training due to Covid-19, GSAB’s Level 2 Safeguarding Adults and Level 2 Mental Capacity Act have been converted to  online E-Learning modules, and are available on LearnPro Community (you may need to login to access this).

The courses are suitable for all front line care workers and volunteers who are supporting adults with care and support needs.

Remember, Safeguarding is Everybody’s Responsibility!