*Bulletin on behalf of the Research Team*
SVT is a regular narrow complex tachycardia, greater than 160 beats per minute. Patients may present with palpitations, chest pain, syncope or shortness of breath. The ECG below presents what SVT will looks like.
SVT can be treated using the Modified Valsalva Manoeuvre which is explained in Clinical Guideline (GC21) CG21 Assessment and Management of Supraventricular Tachycardia v1.1.pdf. Here is a diagram of the Modified Valsalva Manoeuvre.
Contraindications for the Modified Valsalva Manoeuvre include the following, however, patients with hypotension, recent eye surgery or third trimester of pregnancy may still be considered for the standard Valsalva Manoeuvre which excludes the passive leg lift.
- Hypotension <90 systolic
- Recent eye surgery
- Third trimester pregnancy
- Inability to lay flat or flex at hips
- Recent hip surgery
Valsalva Assist Device (VAD)
The research team are trialling the Valsalva Assist Device (VAD) as an alternative to patients blowing into a syringe. The VAD is set to provide the correct and constant intrathoracic pressure required for cardioversion.
ePCR documentation
The VAD is being rolled out to stations in groups, so please make sure you can locate the blue pouch in the paramedic drugs bag pocket. The pouch will contain either a VAD or a syringe with a patient information leaflet. Please give this information to the patient, regardless of technique, hospital admission or home discharge and document this in the ePCR > patient > research > VAD/syringe/literature provided.
If no research information, VAD or syringe is available, please contact the research team.