This e-learning is for people who live and work in Gloucestershire-
These E-learning programmes and Face to face Training Courses are funded and supplied by Gloucestershire County Council Multi-Agency department.
To register for a personal account you will need a unique Email address. (Register below in the- ‘How to register section’)
On LearnPro you can access the following:
E-Learning modules:
• Basic Mental Health Awareness
• Better Health / Better Lives (Learning Disabilities)
• Continence
• Dementia
• Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (Dols)
• Domestic Abuse
• Food, Safety, Infection Control, Nutrition & Hydration
• Mental Capacity Act
• Personal Assistant Induction
• Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act
• Stroke Pathway
• Understanding Autism
The 6 NAS modules:
1. Understanding autism
2. Autism and communication
3. Autism and sensory experience
4. Autism, stress and anxiety
5. Autism: supporting families
6. Safeguarding children (coming soon!)