Below are the Online Learning Resources related to Clinical Training. If you see anything you feel is missing from this page, or if you spot a typo or a broken link, please Contact Us

Advanced Practitioners Online

Asthma Modules

BMJ Best Practice Clinical Support Tool

Advanced Practitioners Online (APO) is an e-learning and professional networking resource for Advanced Practitioners working in General Practice settings.

Advanced Practitioners are health graduates with considerable post registration experience and educated to Masters level. They diagnose disease through comprehensive history taking, physical exams, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests.

They are independent prescribers and can make referrals to specialists. They can serve as a patient’s primary health care provider, and see patients of all ages depending on their specialty.

This website is aimed at Primary care, but has lots of great resources

Click Here to access the Facebook page for Advanced Practitioners Online (APO)

Univadis is a sponsored international website with a ton of free resources.

The resources that are covered on Univadis include the following:

  • Education section – This section includes a quiz which can be taken on a monthly basis, and will test your knowledge on clinical topics like pregnancy and Covid-19.
  • Clinical reference resources – These resources include Cancer Biomarkers, a Schedule on Immunisation and Clinical Guidelines from the UK and beyond.
  • International news – This section of the website will cover the latest headlines and a range of clinical summaries

A Clinical Decision support tool from BMJ including evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion is available to all SWASFT staff and students.

This clinical decision support tool is particularly useful for medical students, junior doctors, multidisciplinary team members (such as nurses and pharmacists), specialists working outside of their speciality, and primary care practitioners.

BMJ Best Practice includes 1000+ evidence-based condition and symptom topics across 32 clinical specialties which provide the user with guidance throughout the full patient journey, from determining diagnosis and treatment approach to follow-up support.

The clinical information focuses on the most commonly presented conditions, as well as those that are clinically significant or relevant to global health.

BMJ Best Practice has an innovative Comorbidities Manager that prompts healthcare professionals to consider the patient’s comorbidities when accessing treatment information for acute conditions. This produces an initial management plan that is tailored to the unique needs of the patient. BMJ Best Practice is the only clinical decision support tool to do this.

Meanwhile, the BMJ Clinical Intelligence provides knowledge engineering at scale, ensuring the translation of clinical guidelines into computable evidence. Its unique knowledge graph format allows the seamless integration of evidence directly into systems. This capability allows easy linking of evidence within your infrastructure, enhancing decision-making and improving outcomes at both individual and population levels.


ECG Online Learning Resources

Emergency Medicine EM CAGE Website

Foam – Life in the Fast Lane

This is page is an internal link to another page where we have compiled a collection of Online ECG Distance Learning resources from various providers.

These deliver videos, tutorials, posts, discussions and quizzes available to all staff. Topics include electrophysiology, STEMI, lead systems, avis deviation, normal and abnormal ECG patterns and arrhythmias.

All online resources here have been compiled and approved by the Clinical Directorate (last checked May 2019).

Click Here to see the full list of resources

A range of resources are freely accessible to all staff on the Emergency Medicine Cheltenham and Gloucester (EM CAGE) Website.

This site aims to combine the new induction programme with links to useful resources and act as a repository of information for ongoing learning and self development.

The shift patterns of Emergency Medicine mean that the whole team can never be in the same room at the same time. Asynchronous learning embraces social media technology allowing you to use the most convenient part of the shift or day to study.

This site is designed for use by medical professionals. It does not represent the views of our NHS trust or any other organisation. All information should be critically appraised before use in a clinical setting, especially regarding management regimes and drug doses. For further information please consult the disclaimer.

Visit the Distance learning #FOAMed Page here

Free Open Access Meducation – Medical education for anyone, anywhere, anytime. Life in the Fast lane is dedicated to collating the resources that healthcare professionals and students can access to take part in the FOAM movement.

The term FOAM was coined in June 2012 in a pub in Dublin, over a pint of Guinness during ICEM 2012 [watch the Dublin video].
FOAM is a collection of resources, a community and an ethos.

The FOAM community spontaneously emerged from the collection of constantly evolving, collaborative and interactive open access medical education resources being distributed on the web with one objective — to make the world a better place. FOAM is independent of platform or media — it includes blogs, podcasts, tweets, online videos, text documents, photographs, Facebook groups, and a whole lot more.

FOAM should not be seen as a teaching philosophy or strategy, but rather as a globally accessible crowd-sourced educational adjunct providing inline (contextual) and offline (asynchronous) content to augment traditional educational principles. FOAM is the concept, #FOAMed is the hashtag.

Maternity – Identification, Stabilisation & Transfer of the sick newborn- MIST ESR


Mental Health & Well-being | Maudsley Learning

Medicines Complete – (BNF & BNF for Children access & more)


ESR new learning available – aimed at Midwives & Paramedics

Class: 000 Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer of the Sick Newborn

Just log onto ‘My ESR’

Search the ESR catalogue for ‘mist’ and it comes up as: Class: 000 Midwifery Identification, Stabilisation and Transfer of the Sick Newborn

If you haven’t used My ESR for e-learning yet there is loads, & we mean loads of free Clinical & NON-Clinical e-learning on here. The interface is a bit clunky , but there is a ton of good stuff here, and best of all, if you do it on here it is all recorded ad stored on your NHS record.

Download NLMS quickstart guide PDF 

Download NLMS FAQs and troubleshooting guide PDF

Go to the SWAST Intranet info page for ESR

Maudsley Learning deliver a series of programmes nationally.

Mental health training, online & in-person, for individuals & organisations. A mix of free & paid for courses.

The courses cover eating disorders, managing challenging situations, skills for health change conversations, & many more.

Maudsley Learning (part of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust) provide a wealth of regularly updated, expert-lead, continued professional development (CPD) mental health courses to keep you up to date with all the latest research, practices and legislation. Courses cover everything from paediatric to geriatric, improving physical health for mental health, and managing challenging clinical situations. Groundbreaking immersive simulation and virtual reality (VR) courses are also available.

Each course outlines a target audience, so you know the information you’re receiving is relevant to your profession. However, courses are open to any healthcare professional, organisation, or educator who wants to further their knowledge.

Access the BNF Online

The improved online BNF & BNF for children is now on the new MedicinesComplete site

You can also access:

  • Stockleys interaction checker
  • Martindale’s ADR checker
  • Clinical calculator
  • NEW – Critical illness

The changes have been driven by your needs, and central to the new experience is the addition of drug groupings by therapeutic area to the Table of Contents, helping you to navigate relevant drug monographs.

NHS users will be required to re-register for continued access to the BNF online.

MNDA – O2 use in MND

NEWS 2 e-learning

NICE- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence


MND Association and the College of Paramedics

Administering oxygen to some people with MND with respiratory symptoms can be extremely dangerous, and in some cases can lead to death. This may happen in emergency situations where professionals are not fully aware of this risk.

The Association wanted to support colleagues in the emergency services by raising awareness of MND and this important issue. We worked with the College of Paramedics to produce a short, factual video talking directly to paramedics about oxygen use in MND and how best to support a patient presenting with acute breathing problems.


The video, endorsed by the College of Paramedics, advises paramedics to use oxygen with caution. MND causes muscle weakness, and this includes the muscles used for breathing.  Where a person has respiratory muscle weakness, they may retain carbon dioxide, known as hypercapnia. Giving oxygen in this situation can increase the retention of CO2 and worsen the person’s symptoms.

The video sets out the tests which need to be carried out to check what is wrong with the patient and the actions to take. The actions to take includes checking to see if they use NIV and supporting them to use it, checking cough strength and helping with airway clearance if necessary.

Dear Team

Administering oxygen to some people with MND with respiratory symptoms can be extremely dangerous, and in some cases can lead to death. This may happen in emergency situations where professionals are not fully aware of this risk.

The Association wanted to support colleagues in the emergency services by raising awareness of MND and this important issue. We worked with the College of Paramedics to produce a short, factual video talking directly to paramedics about oxygen use in MND and how best to support a patient presenting with acute breathing problems.

The video, endorsed by the College of Paramedics, advises paramedics to use oxygen with caution. MND causes muscle weakness, and this includes the muscles used for breathing. Where a person has respiratory muscle weakness, they may retain carbon dioxide, known as hypercapnia. Giving oxygen in this situation can increase the retention of CO2 and worsen the person’s symptoms.

The video sets out the tests which need to be carried out to check what is wrong with the patient and the actions to take. The actions to take includes checking to see if they use NIV and supporting them to use it, checking cough strength and helping with airway clearance if necessary.

Please share this with your colleagues to help spread the word.

The video advises:

1. Be aware of the risk of hypercapnia in patients with MND.
2. Aim for saturations of 88-92% with controlled oxygen therapy.
3. In patients who use NIV, consider a trial of the ventilator, though be aware that oxygen supplementation may not be possible.
4. Enquire about their usual cough strength, and if they have cough equipment at home. If they do, and they or their carers are able to administer it, consider using.

To view all our information and resources for paramedics and other professionals working in acute settings

click here 


The National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) e-Learning programme

This is a new e-Learning programme which is free to all NHS Staff interested in learning the severeness of an acute illness in the NHS.

The National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) e-Learning programme ensures staff across the NHS operate using the same language to provide patients with the right care at the right time. Over 280,000 healthcare professionals have completed the online competency training thanks to NEWS.

Initially launched in 2012, the programme was updated back in April 2020 to include new supplementary and Covid-19 guidance from the Royal College of Physicians.

You can learn more about the e-Learning programme and sign up to it by Clicking Here!

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

NICE provides national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.

Here you will find guidance, advice, quality standards and information services for health, public health and social care. Also contains resources to help maximise use of evidence and guidance.

There is a great section on NICE pathways –Everything NICE says on a topic in an interactive flowchart

You can also find the NICE Clinical Guidelines here


OSCE stop

Personalised Care Institute – CPD for Health Professionals

Personalised care institute


prompt you tube

OSCEstop is a free, one-stop online resource for comprehensive notes on medical school finals OSCE exams.

OSCEstop aims to help healthcare professionals improve their clinical examination and practical skills. Notes on all of the essential skills and detail on all of the stations likely to come up in OSCE examinations are provided to help you acquire and maintain the broad knowledge needed to succeed.

The personalised care institute has its own website and offers CPD to health professionals in core skills (personalised care core skills!) and shared decision making, it’s all e-learning and offers accredited courses with CPD points.

The Personalised Care Institute (PCI) is changing the lives of patients by helping to empower them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to feel more in control of their mental and physical health.

This is done by educating and inspiring health and care professionals to deliver universal personalised care that takes into account an individual’s strengths, needs and expectations, in order to deliver the right care for them.

A passionate team, they set the standards for evidence-based personalised care training, providing a robust quality-assurance and accreditation framework for training providers and commissioners along with a central learning hub for health and care professional learners.

The PROMPT Maternity Foundation provides a multi-professional training programme which was initially introduced to North Bristol NHS Trust. It has been shown to improve outcomes for real women and their babies.

With the introduction of PROMPT training at Southmead Hospital, interest in this has grown and PROMPT training has been adopted in a number of countries outside of the UK.  Many of these countries have conducted their own research trials and have demonstrated similar results to those achieved at Southmead Hospital, including:

  • USA
  • Australia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Philippines

PROMPT Maternity Foundation has produced a range of practical and informative videos hosted on YouTube for you to view.

A Pre-Hospital PROMPT video made in partnership with SWASfT is now in post production and will be released towards the end of 2020! (See if you can spot any familiar faces…)

Royal College of Emergency Medicine – Free Open Access Meducation

Red Whale – Primary Care / GP focused resources


Spotting the Sick Child

UK Sepsis Trust

Royal College of Emergency Medicine Resources

A fantastic learning resource with tons of evidence based resources from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

RCEM Learning is the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) e-learning platform. Aiming to be a leading Emergency Medicine e-learning site which delivers high quality resources to its members and the broader international e-learning community.

RCEM Learning is simultaneously committed to preserving benefits for RCEM members and promoting e-learning predicated on open access principles.

The majority of content is open access (content in the Exams and CPD section is for RCEM members only), and the site includes a section devoted to the production and dissemination of FOAMed materials.

RCEM Learning is registered under a Creative Commons license to encourage (re)use of resources for educational purposes.

Site structure

The site is comprised of the following e-learning resources:

  • An etextbook designed to support shopfloor decision making/teaching and individual learning.
  • Hundreds of interactive sessions ranging from short clinical cases (which are open access) to complex learning sessions which include diverse assessment methods. Successful completion of these sessions generate certificates for learners’ portfolios.
  • A section devoted to critical appraisal.
  • FOAMed content, comprised of podcasts and blogs, predicated on current trends in evidence-based medicine.

Red Whale – Lifelong learning for Primary Care

Red Whale are a private company providing Primary care focused education in a large variety of formats to Primary Care providers nationally.

Predominantly a paid subscription based service which allows access to their resources.

Occasional free content and podcasts are all open access: Red Whale | Podcast | Primary Care Pod – free updates

Spotting the Sick Child

Children need a different approach from adults and many health professionals are anxious about assessing children.

Spotting the Sick Child is an interactive tool commissioned by the Department of Health and Health Education England to support health professionals in the assessment of the acutely sick child.

In order to access Spotting the Sick Child you will need to register by Clicking Here.

There is no fee for registration

The UK Sepsis Trust are pleased to present a series of videos and e-Learning modules to help you understand, identify, and manage sepsis.

Whether you are a clinician, care worker, or simply a concerned parent, son/daughter or friend, these videos and modules will help you understand more about sepsis and how you can help save lives.

The resources regarding Sepsis include the following:

  • Special Education Videos – Including ‘Hospital Acquired Sepsis’ and ‘The Impact of Sepsis’
  • Clinical Tools & Downloads – These tools are compatible with the NICE Guideline on Sepsis (NG51), and reflect an operational solution to delivery of the NHS Implementation Guidance.
  • Clinical F&Qs – This includes questions relating to topics such as Sepsis 6 and ‘Red Flag’ Sepsis
  • e-Learning Modules – The subjects covered include An Introduction to Sepsis, Sepsis in Adults and Sepsis in Children. Each module is self-funded at £9.99 per person.

Click Here for further details about the resources on offer.