This year’s PEd Update Day aims to build on what you already know. It also helps to update you on current research into practice education and supports you in embracing the change from mentorship to practice education, in line with the College of Paramedics recommendations.

The Trust has embraced the idea of practice education and we need to ensure that all our PEds are aware of what this means in the practice environment.

*The days are also open to qualified Practice Educators who do not have a student but are available and ready to be allocated one. *

The day attracts an incentive payment (pre-tax). Please see the ‘Incentive Payment’ section for more information.

On the day you will learn about the role of the Practice Educator and what it consists of, and we will go through the changes to approaches to assessment and feedback. Your current practice will be challenged and new thoughts and ideas about how to approach the learner in practice (LIP) will be discussed.

In addition, we invite you to bring any issues or concerns that you have about supporting a LIP to the day, as there will be representatives from all our partner universities, as well as our own Practice Placement Team attending during the day. You can make a difference by sharing your thoughts and ideas!


We have added a new course to ESR called the Non-Accredited Practice Educator Course. It is endorsed by the College of Paramedics and has been adopted by the College to train all PEd across the UK; it is now the national approach to practice education!

In addition, there is also a Handbook on the PEd Website on the Intranet that has all the latest information that you need to know about practice education. Both the course and the Handbook are online, and they are in text and audio to make them adaptable to all learning needs. You can book onto the course now through the normal booking facility on the Practice Educator Web page.

If you have not taken one of our approved courses to qualify as a Practice Educator, there are several courses available to you. You can access the endorsed Practice Educator Course on ESR, or the Mentorship Virtual Level 6 Module or the Virtual Level 7 Module. All these courses would provide you with the required qualification to meet the Trust’s requirements. If you have taken a course that you think is equivalent if you contact your Education Lead they will be able to help you.. all existing Practice Educators should attend the Update annually. 


Practice Educator (Mentorship) courses – BOOK HERE
  • Exploring what feedback is using Clynes and Raftery (2008)
  • Identifying the professional responsibility in mentoring using Scott and Spouse (2013)
  • Understanding the aim and purpose of giving feedback using Clynes and Raftery (2008)
  • Considering the relationships between the learner and the mentor when delivering feedback using Scott and Spouse (2013)
  • Exploring the variety of models related to the giving of feedback using Clynes and Raftery (2008)
  • What to assess using Blooms Taxonomy (1956) and Rowntree (1987)
  • How and when to assess using Blooms Taxonomy (1956) and Rowntree (1987)
  • Who should assess using Blooms Taxonomy (1956) and Rowntree (1987)
  • The purpose and process of practice assessment using Blooms Taxonomy (1956) and Rowntree (1987)
  • Discussing the HCPC standards relevant to mentoring in practice using the standards (HCPC 2014, 2016, 2017)
  • Utilising the current local curriculum framework and assessment tools in the classroom setting effectively
  • Discussing the role of autonomy, accountability, responsibility and delegation of responsibility (HCPC 2017) in mentoring in practice
**As the course is virtual, you can attend any of the dates – It doesn’t matter what area you are based in**

All days will commence from 08:30 – 15:00, and the next dates are as follows:

Date Course Presenter Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) assisting
Thurs 28th November Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 30th January 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 27th February 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 27th March 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 24th April 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 29th May 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 26th June 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 31st July 2025 Lizzie Ryan
Thurs 28th August 2025 Lizzie Ryan

**More details on the PEF assisting with the PEd Update Days will be available as soon as possible.**

UPDATE: 11.05.23: To simplify the process & hopefully reduce the risk of delays getting you paid, we are now paying a flat incentive rate instead of a smaller incentive plus Over Time. You will receive a £250 (pre-tax) payment. The incentive is paid automatically and will take a number of weeks to receive.

You cannot attend the training session if you are in between shifts AND would have less than 11 hours rest break. You MUST have a minimum of 11 hours at both the start and end of the training session.

This means 11 hours between the end of your most recent shift AND the start of the training session AND 11 hours from the end of the training until your next scheduled shift

These incentives are to show appreciation to Practice Educators’ (Mentors) hard work, and to enthuse Practice Educators (Mentors) new and existing, to ensure they can deliver a quality placement experience for students who will become our new colleagues.

The incentive payment will be paid to you automatically providing you have attended the full day online and provided your ESR number.

Incentive payments will be paid to ALL attendees, including Practice Educators (Mentors) and those who are able to accept a student (as the 1st 3 questions of the booking form below). For those working in a role where they cannot be allocated a student, you will still be paid the incentive regardless of this.

Fill in the application form below and click ‘Submit’

For further details about the Update Days, please contact Lizzie Ryan

The protected characteristics monitoring form is separate to the main application form above; completion is optional & anonymous. We ask for information on your ‘protected characteristics’ in order to help us monitor our performance on equality.

If you have already completed this form since April 2024 & nothing has changed, there is no need to complete again.

Book Now

Virtual Mentor Update Days 2021/22

  • This is the form for the PEd Update day

  • You must check the 3 activity and availability boxes before you can book - if you can't see the date you want below, it means it is fully booked*

    You must complete this section to be accepted onto an update date - You cannot attend if you are in between shifts & would have less than 11 hours rest break (e.g in between 2 night shifts).
  • This is to ensure only SWAST staff are sent the meeting links.
  • *If you are EOC staff - Please check these boxes so you can submit the form, but you will not be assigned as a Practice Educator to a university student. They will visit the EOC on placement only.

    You must complete this section to be accepted onto an update date
    You must complete this section to be accepted onto an update date
    You must complete this section to be accepted onto an update date