This course is suitable for NQP portfolios and all Practice Educators.

*NB – if you are an NQP who has completed a Practice Education (Mentorship) module as part of your BSc with UoP – you are not required to complete another course for your NQP portfolio.

Your completion of this course will be recorded on ESR. 


This interactive e-learning module has been written with registered professionals (primarily Paramedics) in mind, but the language may at times refer to ambulance placements or paramedics specifically.

However, the course content is based on universal mentoring and practice education concepts, and is suitable for any staff involved in practice education and mentoring in the workplace. As such, it can be used by any health professionals working in the ambulance services, in any department, in this role, who feel it would be useful to help in developing their colleagues.
This module is designed to ensure that the student is aware of the roles and responsibilities of the Practice Educator role. It will prepare the student for a role where they will facilitate the education, practice placements and the development of the learner in practice’s education in the practice setting.


‘Practice based learning takes place during placements, and involves a range of learning opportunities for student development. Students apply and consolidate their learning, bringing together the academic theory learnt in the classroom, the workplace practice used to develop their skills and abilities and the competences needed to register. Practice learning is supervised and structured to enable progress towards learning outcomes and usually involves assessment of the learner (HEE 2021)’


Other Health professionals working in the ambulance services will need to access their own Standards or Codes for teaching in practice to include:
Registered Nurses need to access (2019):

Standards for student supervision and assessment: Sections 6 to 10 for their profession specific standards – NMC PDF 1

To include:
6. Assessor Roles
7. Practice assessor: responsibilities
8. Practice assessor: preparation
9. Academic assessor: responsibilities
10. Academic assessor: preparation

Download PDF 1 – NMC
GMC Registrants needs to access for their profession specific standards:

Designing and maintaining postgraduate assessment programmes (2019) – PDF 1

Approving changes to curricula, examinations and assessments, equality and diversity requirements (2015) – PDF2

Download PDF 1 – GMC
Download  PDF 2 – GMC


  • This course is fully funded.
  • This course is an e-learning module completed through ESR – It can be completed at your own pace.
  • The course should take approximately 35hrs to complete.
  • This course is the non-accredited version (meaning that you do not receive university credits for completing) – an accredited version of this course will be accessible soon.


The module can be completed using the written text, or we have provided audio clips at intervals throughout each lesson; you just click on the play arrow to begin the audio.

This will support those who have a learning support need or who prefer to listen to the information.

In addition, if you have a disability or learning support need you are also able to increase the size of the written word.

Assessed Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module the learner will be expected to be able to:

  1. Meet the NMC or HCPC Standards for education and supporting learning and assessment in practice.
  2. Engage in and critically evaluate strategies used to provide effective facilitation of practice learning.
  3. Analyse factors likely to affect the provision of mentorship in practice settings.
  4. Identify and reflect on professional issues arising from assessment in practice, including inter-assessor reliability.
  5. Critically evaluate the contemporary issues in both healthcare and education that influence  practice education.
  6. Explore current assessment or appraisal systems.
This course is non-accredited, so once the knowledge checks are completed within the course, no further assessment or course work is needed.
To access this course –
  • Step 1 – Apply via the form at the bottom of this page
  • Step 2 – The course will be allocated to you on ESR (this may take up to a week)
  • Step 3 – Enroll on the course in ESR (just like mandatory training courses)
Access the Practice Educator Handbook for reference or as a taster below.
(This will NOT record you as completing the course- go below to the e-learning module access the course in full).
Enter your SWASFT email address below to open the handbook. (You will also be sent the link to your SWASFT email address for future refence).

Practice Educator Handbook


Practice Educator e-learning module – book below

The protected characteristics monitoring form is separate to the main application form; completion is optional & anonymous. We ask for information on your ‘protected characteristics’ in order to help us monitor our performance on equality.

If you have already completed this form since April 2024 & nothing has changed, there is no need to complete again.

Book Now

SWASFT PEd e-learning module 2022

  • SWASFT PEd e-learning module

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    To claim the incentive you must tick the 3 boxes below
  • Please enter your full name as used in SWAST
  • Please enter your grade for tracking
  • This can be found on your ID and payslip
  • Please say if you are bank or substantive staff - it will not stop you accessing the course
    Please enter your operational base county
  • Please enter your current Line Manager
  • Please help us plan future learning by indicating what academic quals you have- please don't record higher ed. that is not linked to your role. (e.g. a BSc in Physics)
    Your data will not be transferred outside the EU without your consent. Your data is held in the UK. Your data will only be used for the purposes of application & contacting you in regard to courses or modules you have applied for explicitly. You have the right to ask for the amendment & deletion of your data. (Personal data will be deleted from the website on a regular basis. If you are a Trust member of staff your data may be transfered onto Trust databases & held in accordance with Trust polices for the purpose of recording your Education & Development, & also used in an anonymous form to record uptake of CPD by area & staff group.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.