As ambulance professionals, we are likely to meet people that disclose sexual violence/ assault to us. It is important for both short and long-term management and recovery that we handle this well, and that we are aware of the referral pathways available to us.
Many people don’t know what Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) can provide, don’t know how to refer to them and don’t know that the police don’t need to be involved in this process.
Programme of event
- Learning what SARCs are
- What can be done at a SARC – a lot more than you might think!
- How we can refer to them (spoiler: police not required!)
- What a difference we can make when someone discloses
This CPD session will answer all those questions, and equip you with the knowledge to provide these patients with the care and dignity that they deserve. The session will be delivered by a SARC professional, a paramedic with a specialist interest and an Education Lead to help with ambulancisms!
Learning outcomes
- Understand our role in disclosure and trauma management
- Better understand the role of a SARC
- Know how to refer to a SARC
If you have any questions you would like addressed in the session – please use the form below to submit. The form will not record your name and you can submit as many questions as you want.
Thursday 19th October – 10:00-11:30
Tuesday 7th November – 12:00-13:30
There are currently no dates available – please click here to access a pre-recorded session.
This pre-recorded session offers information and guidance if someone discloses to a professional that they have been raped or sexually assaulted. Delivered by Duncan from The Bridge, which is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre.
Click here to access it.