Please read this first

Independent Prescribing for Paramedics

To apply for Independent Prescribing, you must be able to meet an eligibility criteria.
This is set by the College of Paramedics (CoP) and the Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). The SWASfT NMP/IP policy has some addtional specifications, but most is set at a national level and cannot be deviated from. If you cannot meet all the criteria, you are not yet ready.

The application process is complex and comprised of several stages; with this being the first. We have tried to make things as straightforward as possible and provide guidance along the way.

If you cannot complete the  the application form, then you will not be eligible to apply with the HEI.
There is no way around this or special circumstances / exemptions; these are national specifications as well as SWASfT policy specifications. 
Your DMP- The rules have now changed & this role has changed to DPS & DPP – They can be a an AHP or Nurse prescriber with suitable qualifications & experience. These are detailed here
The SWASFT NMP /IP policy can be downloaded HERE

The criteria for SPCCs to undertake the Independent Prescribing course and to work as prescribers is currently under review and the policy will be updated to reflect this. This will mean that for the time being, you will need direct line manager approval and Chief Pharmacist approval before applying.

Please discuss with your direct line manager in the first instance.

Application Process
  • Read all supporting information
  • Complete your eligibility checks & register your interest to proceed via the form below on this web page. You will need to submit your evidence here.
  • The information and evidence needed for the application to proceed and the UWE PAF (Programme Application Form) is very similar, so you should be able to use the same evidence to submit here and with UWE.
  • Applications will be put forward for shortlisting if they meet the critera as the NMP/IP policy which the below form is based on. *Due to the CoP Dip and the Dip IMC COVID back logs, you only need to be on a waiting list for this exam. Your line manager will be able to let you know if this is the case.  
  • The IP lead will approve applications from the shortlist in discussion with the relevant line managers.
  • Await a decision from the SWASfT Independent Prescribing Lead – this will be communicated to you by the CPD Team Leader.
  • Once you have approval – you can then complete the UWE PAF via the UWE website. DO NOT complete this before you have approval.
  • The CPD Team Leader will then approve the UWE PAF application via his UWE approve dashboard. If you apply online with UWE without having sign off from the SWASfT IP Lead – your application will be rejected at this stage. This includes both SP & SPCC’s.
  • Your application will then be approved by the UWE IP programme Lead.
We are aware that this is a long & complex process, but please do not try & circumnavigate or short cut the process, as this will lead to your application being rejected- should you need help or advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the CPD Team Leader – Hannah Rogers-Smith 

Roles in the process:

Your Line Manager

Role in application process – Local approval & recommendation at the SWASfT stage of the application process. Confirmation that you are in post and able to meet certain criteria.

This role has now changed – & although a DMP can still be used- you can now use an AHP or Nurse Prescriber for both roles (these should be separate people unless using a DMP) of DPS & DPP – Please see the documentation here 
If using a DMP – this process has remained unchanged as the above document
Your DMP/DPS – (Designated Medical Practitioner / Designated Prescribing Supervisor)

Role in application process – Agrees to supervise your practice and mentor you.


Your DMP/DPP – (Designated Medical Practitioner / Designated Prescribing Assessor)

Role in application process – Agrees to assess your practice.

The DMP/ DPP MUST complete the application form with a physical signature

CPD Team Leader –  Hannah Rogers-Smith

Role in application process – Collates and checks all SWASfT applications. Passes to SWASfT IP Lead for shortlisting & final approval.  Liaises with HEI -(UWE) to ensure UWE applications (PAFs) on track. Liaises with applicants and UWE to get correct dates and locations (Virtual for 2022-23) for applicants. Signs off funding with UWE once final approval received from IP Lead.

Your 1st point of contact for all applicants needing help with the process

SWASfT Independent Prescribing Lead – Robert Harvey Pharmaceutical Advisor – Quality Clinical Management

Role in application process – Final approval of all IP applicants and oversight of process. Will manage shortlisting if over subscribed – IP Lead approval does not need to be a physical signature as we will send a list of approved applicants by email.


Role in the Application Process – Manages the UWE application process. They will receive your ONLINE UWE  Programme Application Form (PAF) – (This is a separate application you must complete, additional to  the SWASfT application to proceed). Manages the cohort dates and place allocation.

Here is an example of the PAF – but DO NOT submit it until you have been approved by the SWASfT IP Lead via the SWASFT process or it will be rejected.
UWE IP Programme Lead – Deborah Moreno-Chamorro

Role in the Application Process – Approves PAFs from applicants. Liaises with CPD Team Leader and SWASfT IP Lead.

Successful completion of this programme requires learners to successfully pass the module “Non-Medical Prescribing (Independent and/or Supplementary Prescribing)” and will award successful candidates 40 Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points.

This module is only available at LM/7 – (MSc level) for Paramedics – It has a strict entry requirements as detailed above- Please read these first if you are unsure if you are eligible.

The module is provided at UWE Virtually with face to face tutorials in several different locations, over several different cohort dates. You can view the different dates and locations on the UWE web page on the dates tab below.

You can view the UWE module page for more information by Clicking here

Supporting documents

CoP – You are strongly encouraged to visit the College of Paramedics guidance for Medicines & Independent prescribing web page and read the downloadable documents.


Your Designated Prescribing Supervisor- (DPS)- You will need to be able to arrange access to a suitable DPS for this module. Please read the UWE guide and share it with your DPS to make sure they understand what they are signing up to.

The criteria for DPS & DPP (Desginated Prescribing Assessor) can be found here

Click the image to download a PDF programme example

Independent Prescribing is defined as prescribing by an appropriate practitioner (Doctor, Dentist, Paramedic, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Podiatrist, Optometrist, diagnostic and therapeutic Radiographer) responsible and accountable for the assessment of patients with undiagnosed or diagnosed conditions and for decisions about the clinical management required, including prescribing medicines (1).

Advanced Clinical Practice is defined as being delivered by experienced, registered health and care practitioners. It is a level of practice characterised by a high degree of autonomy and complex decision making. This is underpinned by a Masters level award or equivalent that encompasses the four pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research, with demonstration of core capabilities and area clinical competence.

Advanced clinical practice embodies the ability to manage clinical care in partnership with individuals, families, and carers. It includes the analysis and synthesis of complex problems across a range of settings, enabling innovative solutions to enhance people’s experience and improve outcomes (2).

The College of Paramedics has a lot of information on Independent Prescribing, and also has a handy interactive Career Framework PDF that can be downloaded here – Digital Career Framework 2017 v2 – PDF Download, and also this Paramedic Career Framework 4th edition 2018 – PDF Download


1 Health Education England, NHS Improvement and NHS England (2017), Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England Available at: (Accessed 23rd August 2018)

Health Education England - 'An Introduction to Advanced Clinical Practice'

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