This practical CPD session gives clinicians the opportunity to refresh their airway management skills in a relaxed and informal setting; through a variety of skills stations, clinical discussions and scenario-based training.
Taught by Specialist Paramedics in Critical Care from across the Trust, this airway workshop aims to cover topics such as:
  • Escalation of airway management techniques.
  • Oxygenation and ventilation strategies.
  • End-Tidal CO2 waveforms and their clinical significance.
Half day workshops covering the following:
  • Predicting difficult airways
  • Airway ladder
  • Basic airway adjuncts
  • Bag-valve-Mask
  • iGel
  • EtCO2
  • Choking
  • Laryngectomy and Tracheostomy patients
  • Airway simulations


Learning Outcomes:
The student should be able to:
  1. Explain when it would be appropriate to escalate airway management techniques using the airway ladder as described in the Airway Management  guideline JRCALC+ App
  2. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge and practical application of airway management skills (in a manikin/simulated casualty) to achieve optimal patient ventilation and oxygenation as detailed in Airway Management  guideline JRCALC+ App
  3. Recognise the clinical significance of different End Tidal CO2 waveforms (detailed in  End Tidal CO2 Monitoring guideline JRCALC+ App and explain the correct airway management/ventilation techniques for each waveform.
Please use the JRCALC+ App to view all guidelines

SWAST Guidelines:

–              Airway Management

–              End Tidal CO2 Monitoring

–              Ventilation guideline (October 2024)


JRCALC Guidelines:

–              Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

–              Emergency Tracheostomy and Laryngectomy Pre-Hospital Management

Dates and timings are as follows:
Date of session: Venue:
Tuesday 4th February 2025 Churchill Ambulance Station, Somerset
Wednesday 12th February 2025 St John Ambulance Training Centre, Staverton, Glos
Thurs 13th March 2025 (AM) St John Ambulance Training Centre, Staverton, Glos
Thurs 13th March 2025 (PM) St John Ambulance Training Centre, Staverton, Glos
Friday 14th March 2025 NEC, Bristol


We will aim to continue to add dates and locations to reach as many counties as possible.



Churchill Ambulance Station, 5 Turnpike Cl, Churchill, Winscombe BS25 5NZ Link to map *Car-parking is in the Rec car park 100m walk away (please avoid the station or nursery car parks).

SWAST Wiltshire Training Venue, Methuen Park, Chippenham, SN14 0GX, What 3 words: zones/slam/tester,  Link to map

North Education Centre (NEC), Blackberry Hill Centre (Block C), UWE Glenside Campus (Blue Entrance), Manor Road  Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 1DE Link to map

Roche Education Centre, SWASFT, Unit 2, Commercial Centre, Victoria Offices & Conference Centre, Station Approach, Victoria, St Austell, PL26 8LG

St John Ambulance Training Centre, Ashville Business Park, Commerce Rd, Staverton, Gloucester GL2 9QJ (next to Staverton Ambulance Station) Link to map

St Leonard’s Training Venue, East Division Headquarters Acorn Building, 241 Ringwood Road, St Leonard’s, BH24 2RR Link to map

Please book via the form below.

*If you cannot see the date you are looking for, it means that date is fully booked*

Further dates & locations will be added.

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